Online Training and Resources
Free Online Training
For General Audiences:
Staying Inside the Window of Tolerance
An advanced training on Secondary Trauma and Resiliency.
Introductory Presentation on Secondary Traumatic Stress & Related Challenges
Thirty-minute video on Compassion Fatigue and Secondary Trauma.
Excerpted from the San Diego International Conference Keynote on Child and Family Maltreatment, 2015 with Françoise Mathieu.
The Organizational Health Roadmap
TEDTalk: Beyond the Cliff (with Laura van Dernoot Lipsky)
TEDTalk: How to Manage Compassion Fatigue in Caregiving (with Patricia Smith)
TEDTalk: The Edge of Compassion (with Françoise Mathieu)
For Professionals in Child Abuse and Exploitation:
Secondary Traumatic Stress: Understanding the Impact on Professionals in Trauma-Exposed Workplaces
Designed for all child-serving professionals who are exposed to details of traumatic events and/or individuals suffering from post-traumatic distress in the context of their work. Through the content in this course, participants will learn the risks associated with working with individuals suffering with traumatic stress symptoms, strategies to reduce the impact of secondary traumatic stress (STS,) and how to support wellness in staff. Finally, this course addresses how STS is an ethical mandate for organizations and individuals working in trauma-exposed environments.
Supporting Heroes in Mental Health Foundation (SHIFT)
Supporting Heroes in Mental Health Foundation (SHIFT) was developed by the Innocent Justice Foundation. Their website includes are free webinars and other resources for professionals exposed to child sexual exploitation and abuse materials.
For Humanitarian and Emergency Responder Workers:
First Responder Mental Health: Compassion Fatigue Education for Paramedics and Other First Responders
Headington Institute
Free resources for humanitarian and emergency response workers and organizations.
Fee-based Online Training
For Individuals:
Compassion Fatigue 101
Resilience in Trauma-Exposed Work
WTF: Strategies to Keep Helping Professionals Grounded and Centered
For Leadership:
Organizational Health in Trauma-Exposed Environments: Essentials